Monday, May 21, 2007

Famous People

On another note what the hell is with my sister meeting famous people? Anytime bands/actors roll into town for one reason or another they all seem to hit up the downtown pharmacy she works at. A few years back Train comes to perform at the BJC. Were do they go? The pharmacy. Who was working? She was. The touring production of Rent came last month and the actors who played Angel and Collins came in for something. Now, I'll admit that they aren't that famous, but she still got to meet and talk to them. That was an amazing performance. Around that time My Chemical Romance stopped here for their tour also. Now they didn't actually play here or their next stop because the good folks over at the college of William and Mary gave them, their opening act and their crew severe food poisoning from chicken caesar wraps. Way to go William and Mary, spoiling the fun for the rest of us. Anyway their opening act came into the pharmacy. And most recently, most famously as well, a man walked in with a PSU baseball hat. He was here screening an independant film as part of a screening tour. Apparantly he sounded familiar and when she looked over, guess who it was....Joey Pantaliano. It figures. Now I know this next one doesn't count as meeting, but she ate dinner at a restaurant in Toronto and James Garner was at the next table over. WTF? The closest I've ever come to meeting a celebrity was when Steve Fatone (Joey Fatone's brother) held the door open for me at The Orlando Ale House.

Maybe I should become a stalker.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I'm was on the 5-year progam...

Well IT finally happened. I graduated from THE Pennsylvania State University with a degree in Geography-Geographic Information Systems and a minor in Spanish last night at approximately 8:45 in Eisenhower Auditorium. It took five years, but I did it. It was actually quite a ceremony; since my college, The College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, is a small one at Penn State they actually called all of our names one by one as we walked across the stage. I would have a picture of myself, but apparantly I was nervous and walked too fast causing any picture of me to be blurred, kinda like on Stargate when they had those wrist band thingies that gave them super strength and super speed. It was awesome, well for SG-1 it was, just not for me as I have no pictures of me onstage. I did manage to get pictures during the reception beforehand and a few pictures of me afterward. So no worries.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Remember Them

We are...Penn State. We are...44,000 strong. We are...Praying for you. We are...United, 16 April 2007.

Friday, March 2, 2007

"Happy day of Patrick the Saint!"

Happy State Patrick's Day! No that's not a typo. This year St. Patty's Day will fall during Spring Break. The students, not wanting to miss a day full of social drinking organized a facebook group to move the festivities up a couple weeks to today, the second of March. So I wasn't actually thinking that this would really work out despite the fact that 4600 people joined the group. However I was called into work today because my coworker called off the previous night saying that he had "strep". Yeah, strep caused by liquor... Anyway, downtown and the frats were crazy. Just as crazy as it is on a normal St. Patrick's Day. People were lined up outside the Phyrst starting at 4:00 am, yes, AM!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

"It smells like moldy ass."

I realized in my last post that I left some things out that I meant to mention. Like the fact that the stands in PSU's ice rink always smell of jock strap. What's with that? If you've ever been there (and I know you haven't because no one reads this blog) then you know what I mean. If you haven't been there then you know the monorails at Disneyworld? Ya know how they've been progessively smelling worse over the past six years or so? Well it smells worse than that. Atleast it's not constant though, the smell seems to waft through the stands and hit you every ten minutes, like cool summer breeze, if that breeze smelled like a jock strap. Anyway, you'd be surprised that such a good team has such below par facilities. One more plug for the team!

So on Valentine's night, we had a nice little snowstorm. It actually started snowing during the day at around noon or so and went on through Wednesday night. You'd be surprised what 14 inches of powdery snow can do. Well I guess you wouldn't because this was the same system that screwed up Jet Blue for so long. Anyway I saw my first car accident happen. No one was hurt, so I don't feel bad saying that it was bitchen'. It even shut the university down for a day so I didn't even have go in to work. Yay! So now I'm sitting in front of my sliding glass doors praying that the snow currently falling turns to sleet, because I really don't want to go into campus tomorrow.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

"It didn't take your mom 25 minutes to score last night..."

I've decided that I'll start every blog out with a quote as the title. More likely than not it will be some obscure quote from a movie that I either saw or was recently reminded of. However like tonight, sometimes it will simply be something I or someone around me said. If wasn't from a movie, than it will most likely be explained in the blog.

So last weekend, the 16th-18th Penn State held their annual THON. If you don't know it's a 46-hour long (they shortened it from 48 this year, but don't get me started on that) dance marathon. It's changed homes a few times over the years but this year marked the first year it was held at the Bryce Jordan Center; Billy Joel and Elton John have performed there, together! Anyway knowing people comes in handy as I scored a tour of THON and gained access to the floor. I was down there at about hour 19, quite early on in the event and the dancers were still full of energy. As you can see from this photo I stitched together the place looks empty. That was partly because the place is huge and partly because early Saturday afternoon is not the most popular time to visit. Speaking of visitors, there was this huge campaign to get Ellen to come for the morale of the dancers because she does so much work with charities and she loves to dance. Unfortunately the committee couldn't get her. :-( Anyway, at 4:00 on Sunday the dancers sat down for the first time in nearly two days and in the minutes following, the amount that was raised was revealed to all. This year THON shattered last year's record breaking amount: the total this year was *drumroll, please* $5,240,385.17. Wow! That's more than a million more than last year! The money goes to the Four Diamonds Fund, a fund set up to benefit families of children with Cancer. I have a couple of videos up on YouTube:
PSU mens gymnastics dancing to "Men in Tights" and
video of the line dance performed every hour by the dancers

Back to this week. Friday I went to the last men's Hockey game of the season. It was bad, so bad that I felt kinda sorry for Maryland's goalie. At the end of the first period, PSU had scored twice and Maryland hadn't scored at all yet. Five minutes into the second period, Maryland scored what would be their first and only goal which prompted the quote by my ever so prim and proper sister. By the end of the night we had scored seven more times, a great way to finish off the season.

Well seeing as it's quite late now, I'm gonna head to bed and hope the ice storm forcast for tomorrow hits AFTER I get to my parents' house.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Look ma! My first Weblog!

Alls hoping this gets updated more often then my myspace. More to come later.